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Associated organisations

There are many organisations that share our vision of a successful multicultural New Zealand. Associated organisations are those with whom we have an on-going relationship which may involve sharing information, consultation, cooperation and joint projects or programmes. If your organisation supports our objectives and would like to work with us or stay in touch with us, we would welcome hearing from you and discussing possibilities.

COMET Auckland

COMET Auckland is a Council Controlled Organisation of Auckland Council, and also an independent Charitable Trust. Its role is to support education and skills across Auckland, contributing to the relevant social and economic goals in the Auckland Plan. It functions as a champion and connector of action and initiatives, in order to improve the effectiveness and equity of the Auckland education and skills system. Multicultural NZ works with COMET Auckland on the development and implementation of the Auckland Languages Strategy, Nga Reo o Tamaki Makaurau.

Community Languages Association of New Zealand (CLANZ)

The Community Languages Association of New Zealand provides support and networking opportunities for the maintenance of community languages and community language schools. Multicxultural NZ works with CLANZ on the promotion of a Community Languages Framework and a National Languages Policy.

Hui E! Community Aotearoa 

Hui E! Community Aotearoa is a collective organisation for community organisations, charities, incorporated societies, trusts and informal groups, and advocates to Government for the community sector. Multicultural NZ is a formal supporter.

Human Rights Commission

 Alongside the general promotion of human rights and providing a disputes resolution service for complaints of discrimination, the Human Rights Commission has a statutory role to encourage the development and  maintenance of harmonious relations between diverse peoples. This work is led by the Race Relations Commissioner. Multicultural NZ is a participant in the Commission's Diversity Action Programme and partners with the Commission to organise events for Race Relations Day in March each year.

Speech New Zealand

Speech New Zealand promotes oral presentation and performance skills. They offer a range of syllabuses for all age groups, children and adults, in Speech, Drama, Public Speaking, Oral Communication within Schools, Professional Speaking and Oral Communication for those whose first language is not English. These teaching syllabuses are available free of charge. Multicultural New Zealand partners with Speech New Zealand to deliver a course on Professional Speaking for Migrants.


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