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Multicultural New Zealand


Who We Are 

Multicultural New Zealand is a whānau of local community groups established to support the hauora and kotahitanga of a specific geographic region. We attract volunteer support from generous individuals who wish to help migrants and refugees integrate better into the communities they live in. MNZ is a Tiriti-based multicultural organisation and follows the E Tū Whānau values.

Our membership is made up of the 25 regional multicultural councils and the four special councils, headed by the executive committee. MNZ partners closely with many iwi, government departments and other national organisations. These relationships ensure any concerns, challenges or emergencies encountered in the community can be addressed immediately and effectively. 


Vision, Mission and Values

Vision - Te Whāinga Tāhuhu:

HUARAHI HOU: Pathway to empowering Te Tiriti-based multicultural communities in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Mission - Whakatakanga:

Growing adequately funded and resourced volunteering capacity to support tangata tiriti to achieve successful integration into their respective communities.

Values - Whanonga Pono:
MNZ Values
  1. Everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand has at least one ethnicity. 
  2. Give nothing to racism.
  3. E Whānau values for a safe multicultural Aotearoa New Zealand. 
  4. Non-political, working with mana whenua and the government of the day. 
  5. Relationships and networks are our assets. 
  6. Respecting and valuing the contributions of those who have gone before us. 
E Tū Whānau Values
  1. Aroha - giving with no expectation of return
  2. Whanaungatanga - it's about being connected
  3. Whakapapa - knowing who you are and where you belong
  4. Mana manaaki - building the mana of others, through nurturing gowing and challenging
  5. Kōrero awhi - positive communication and actions
  6. Tikanga - doing things the right way, according to our values



The New Zealand Federation of Multicultural Councils Inc. was established in July 1989 as an incorporated, non-government body, which acts as an umbrella organisation for the ethnic communities of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Federation's primary role is to promote, support and share information among the Regional Councils and Aotearoa New Zealand's Ethnic Communities. The challenge for NZFMC is to provide an opportunity for people from all segments of Aotearoa New Zealand's diverse society to address the challenges facing our multicultural communities in the 21st century.

"Ethnic" means pertaining to or relating to any segment of the population within New Zealand society sharing fundamental cultural values, customs, beliefs, languages, traditions, and characteristics, which are different from those of the larger society.

Multicultural New Zealand is a whānau of local community groups established to support the hauora and kotahitanga of a specific geographic region. We attract volunteer support from generous individuals who wish to help migrants and refugees integrate better into the communities they live in.







The Treaty of Waitangi

The New Zealand Federation of Multicultural Councils has made a commitment in its Constitution to raise the consciousness among ethnic communities of the needs, aspirations and status of Maori. The Federation believes that New Zealand is a multi-ethnic society in which the Maori have special status as tangata whenua (people of the land) and special rights under the Treaty of Waitangi.

In three short paragraphs, the Treaty:

  • provided for the British to establish a government and make laws in New Zealand;
  • guaranteed Maori the continued ownership and control of their lands, forests, fisheries, homes and other assets; and
  • accorded Maori the full rights of British citizenship.
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