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Our Strategic Plan 2015-16


A multicultural New Zealand where people of different cultures and beliefs live safely and in harmony


To represent and support multicultural councils and ethnic, migrant, and refugee communities through leadership, partnership, capacity building and service delivery.



To be the recognised collective voice of ethnic, migrant and refugee communities and to inform and advise government, organisations and the general public on multicultural policy and practice


To develop and maintain productive partnerships and relationships with organisations sharing our objectives in order to maximise our impact


To have the sustainable organisational capacity nationally and locally to represent, support and strengthen ethnic, migrant and refugee communities and to foster a genuine multicultural society


To deliver products and services to ethnic, migrant and refugee communities, agencies and  the general public that will support settlement, integration, safety, well-being,  mutual understanding and harmonious relations.



We will continue to build our brand, communicate with our members and the public through media statements, newsletters, websites and social media, consult with ethnic, migrant and refugee organisations, make submissions to government on legislation,  policy and practice, and  support our national councils for women, youth, seniors, and business to lead in their specialist areas.
Our strategic priorities are to:

  • advocate for greater representation of ethnic communities at all levels of the public service, and greater engagement of central and local government with ethnic communities 
  •  advocate for the achievement of greater representation of ethnic communities on School Boards of Trustees and in local government in the 2016 elections
  • build a strategic agenda for multiculturalism and multilingualism, and
  • contribute to the Tamaki Makaurau Auckland Languages Strategy and advocate for a community languages framework and a national languages policy

We will continue to work with our existing strategic partners, with whom we deliver shared programmes and projects – NZ Police, Ministry of Social Development, Office of Ethnic Communities, Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research, Human Rights Commission, the Baha’i Community and Speech New Zealand – to deliver agreed outcomes, and we will grow the number of such partners. We will also develop relationships with organisations with which we share common objectives but do not necessarily deliver shared programmes and projects, by according them a form of associate status. We will build, facilitate or join networks and coalitions of organisations to pursue common goals.
Our strategic priorities are to:

  • develop a partnership strategy in order to renew and extend our strategic partnerships to deliver programmes and services
  • increase the number of partnership projects
  • strengthen relationships with the diplomatic corps with a view to achieving support for our programmes
  • build an extensive national associates network with which we can share information, consult and cooperate on matters of common interest and concern
  • develop and co-ordinate a national network of migrant service centres,  including RMCs, independent migrant centres and Newcomers Networks

We will continue to build the capacity of the national office and our councils and amend our rules to clearly set out governance and management functions. We will support councils to increase their membership on a nationally consistent basis and encourage the establishment of further councils.  We will work with councils to obtain the resources to maintain an office or centre and employ a coordinator, provide support for regional meetings of neighbouring councils in the Northern, Central and Southern regions, negotiate national and regional contracts for service delivery and provide training for our office holders, volunteer workers and paid staff.
Our strategic priorities are to:

  • develop a fundraising strategy to achieve sustainable funding and staffing for the national office to deliver support to councils through funding applications, programme sponsors, partnership agreements and returns on social enterprise
  • conduct a rules review to recognize the evolving nature of governance and management arrangements and to reflect the strategic direction of the organisation
  • organise regional meetings of RMCs in the Northern, Central and Southern regions in November and February
  • extend the number of areas served by regional councils
  • establish regional development and support positions to assist in the extension of areas served by regional councils (especially in the northern and central regions)and the coordination of councils within the Northern, Central and Southern regions
  • support the network of coordinators employed by councils
  • establish a working group to develop a membership growth strategy

We will continue to support councils to deliver a range of services including national delivery of products and programmes organised or negotiated by the centre and strategic partners. These include programmes such as Race Relations Day, professional speaking for migrants, secondary schools Race Unity speech competitions, national community football tournament, noho marae, restorative justice, and family violence prevention (E Tu). We will encourage the extension of successful local programmes and events delivered by some councils to councils elsewhere. We will continue to develop programmes in the areas of migrant settlement support, language and culture, sports and recreation, education and training, community involvement, business and employment, health and well-being, and events.
Our strategic priorities are to:

  • develop and promote a national suite of multicultural programmes under the banner of e.g. Multicultural Education, Multicultural Events, Multicultural Sports and Recreation,  Languages, Safe Communities, Settlement and Employment Support
  • raise the national profile of regional council activities for Race Relations Day
  • deliver the national intercultural training programme for NGOs
  • extend the delivery of professional speaking for migrants training
  • raise awareness of domestic violence in ethnic communities and what people can do to reduce it
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