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Ethnic Women's Pathway To Leadership

Ethnic Women's Pathway To Leadership


Ethnic Women's Pathway To Leadership


17 April 2019

This series of workshops has been designed to facilitate the training of women from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds to understand the many aspects of New Zealand’s compliance and regulatory rules. This is to enable them to apply these rules in their daily lives in order to be more independent and self-reliant. Confidence gained from being independent could lead to the ambition to want to become leaders in their communities, School board of Trustees, Trustees of non-profit organisations and to sit on the Company Boards of Directors.

Open evening: Thursday 9th May 2019
Time: 5:30pm – 7pm
Venue: 192 Tinakori Road, Thorndon

Registration: Register for your participation on the Open evening for Stage 1 Workshops starting weekly for 5 weeks on Thursday 23th May 6.00pm – 9.00 pm.

Or contact Peggy at

Any woman who wishes to learn the basics of where to begin one’s pathway to leadership progressing to becoming involved in decision making for a community group, a Trust Board or a company’s Board of Directors.

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