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International Education Factsheet- information to support international students


International students are a valued part of our community, and their health and wellbeing is a priority. • The latest Government information about the COVID-19 situation in New Zealand is available at • Information for international students on COVID-19 and Alert Level 4 is available on NauMai NZ, a one-stop government resource to support international students who are studying in New Zealand. o Here students can find advice on enrolment, accommodation, travel, visas, wellbeing issues, and staying safe in plain English and links to official and sites. o International students can sign up to NauMai NZ to receive regular email updates.
Care and support
• Education providers who enrol international students are signatories to the Code of Pastoral Care for International Students. They have an important responsibility to ensure that international students are well informed, safe and properly cared for. • Students with issues their providers cannot answer, are advised to read the Ministry of Education COVID-19 advice to providers and/or call the Tertiary Education Commission on 0800 123 797 (within New Zealand).
• If students are feeling anxious or lonely, there are a number of free counselling services they can use. Contact details for these services and other advice is on NauMai NZ’s page Feeling lonely, homesick or depressed.
• Students living in a hostel should check with their place of study to confirm what accommodation arrangements they have in place during Alert Level 4. • Student hostels will strictly enforce personal distancing and hygiene requirements, in accordance with Ministry of Health guidelines. • If students do not have access to suitable accommodation, they need to contact their place of study or, if they’re studying at a tertiary institution, the Tertiary Education Commission on 0800 123 797 (within New Zealand).
Visa information
• Students with a temporary visa due to expire between 1 April and 9 July 2020 will have their visas extended to 25 September. Confirmation of extensions will be emailed to all visa holders.
• Student visa holders or applicants who have specific COVID-19 related immigration queries should see the Immigration New Zealand website or call the Immigration Contact Centre on 0508 225 288 (within NZ) or +64 9 952 1679 (outside of NZ).
• Tertiary students who are unable to leave and are no longer enrolled should talk to Immigration New Zealand.
Part-time work
• In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Immigration New Zealand has relaxed work rights for some international students:
o International students in healthcare roles including aged residential care may work more than 20 hours per week for a period of three months.
o International students currently employed by supermarkets owned by Woolworths, Foodstuffs North Island or Foodstuffs South Island may work more than 20 hours a week until 25 April 2020.
o There is no cap on hours.
Financial hardship
• The Government is offering wages subsidies to those whose employment has been affected by COVID-19.
• Students should talk with their provider or student association who may offer budgeting or finance services, or you may qualify for an emergency payment from a hardship fund, or a food parcel.
• Students can contact their local Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group for basic food, medicine and cleaning supplies.
Student eligibility for health care
• International students are eligible for free public healthcare if they think they have COVID-19. Further information is available on the Ministry of Health’s website.
• People who develop symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath should seek medical advice – phone Healthline’s dedicated COVID-19 number 0800 358 5453.
Returning home
• Foreign nationals who have a ticket for an international flight home, can now drive, take private or public land transport, or take domestic flights from some airports, in order to connect with commercial, or chartered, international flights to their home country.
• Check the criteria that foreign nationals must meet in order to travel to an international airport while we are under Alert Level 4.
Education New Zealand is the government agency responsible for international education. If you have any questions, please contact:
Sahinde Pala
Director, Student Experience and Global Citizens
027 433 4615

International Education Factsheet- information to support international students

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