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New Zealand Multicultural Business Advisory Board

The New Zealand Multicultural Business Advisory Board was launched on 5th August 2014 by Trade Minister Hon.Tim Groser. The entire board can be justly proud of them being the founding members and architect of this initiative.This entails building a team and growing the organisation relevant to the needs of the times and a strategic business plan.
To facilitate in partnership with established businesses, financial institutions, various business councils, central and local government agencies , business mentors and  various stakeholders an efficient, hands on and comprehensive support for Small and Medium Ethnic Enterprises (SMEEs) to enable them access capital resources and markets to make their businesses sustainable.


NZMBAB strives to be the pre-eminent New Zealand Business Advisory board connecting multicultural businesses to information services, training and providing them a platform for business development
Strategies to achieve Vision
1.            Establish financial viability and associated capacity to deliver value to Multi-Cultural Businesses
2.            Develop value proposition for and thus evolve Multi-Cultural Businesses brand attributes that live the vision
3.            Obtain endorsement from NZ Government as to our pre-eminence in the Multi-Cultural business field.

Executive Committee:



ValuesNZMBAB adopted the following values that will guide everything we do:

  • Inclusion by which we mean belonging to the group with the feeling of being significant with something to add and not a fear of being ignored. Inclusiveness is the first step to effective interpersonal relationships that enhances self-esteem and therefore creativity and innovation.
  • Transparency by which we mean staying non-defensive, being authentic having collaborative intentions; making a personal commitment to mutual success for all parties in our dealings. It includes active listening and clarifying issues and interests from any assumptions.
  • Credibility by which we mean authenticity and congruent delivery of information; the tone and manner of delivery can sabotage the message. We need to be able to communicate concerns as well as information, which is only a small percentage of the message, so on phone and hard copy we need to make clear our intentions.
  • Trust by which we mean the emotional glue that binds us together and captures each of our discretionary energy and commitment, increasing the climate of openness; people feel safe and are committed to talking honestly about difficult issues in order to solve real problems. The level of trust matches the level of truth being told - telling the truth is a combination of awareness, honesty and openness
  • No surprises by which we mean a summary of the above without fear.

Objectives  •             To encourage cultural diversity in New Zealand businesses;
•             To promote ethnic minority entrepreneurship;
•             To provide opportunities for networking between SMEEs, local and central government and the wider business community;
•             To publicise the positive contribution of SMEEs to New Zealand and to work towards the reduction of barriers to participation and engagement with mainstream commercial and business associations;
•             To support SMEEs engagement with local and central government on issues that affect them; facilitate efficient networking among service providers, policy makers and SMEEs;
•             To support SMEEs with information on New Zealand business culture and environment and other relevant resources, and encourage good business practices;
•             To encourage ethnic communities to support SMEEs and SMEEs to support ethnic communities and multicultural projects;
•             To explore how the voice of SMEEs can be better heard.

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