2016 NZCFC confirmed for 26th and 27th November 2016 at Centre Park, Mangere
The New Zealand Communities Football Cup (NZCFC) is an annual tournament that brings together the best regional ethnic football teams and a selection of local women’s teams. Globally, football provides a common playing field for people to connect, regardless of their ethnicity, who they are or where they’re from. New Zealand Police established the NZCFC in 2008 and organised in partnership with the New Zealand Federation of Multicultural Councils on this basis, to support the inclusion of all communities in New Zealand.
The national tournament is the culmination of more than 1,200 games of local-level football with over 250 teams vying to make their way to the finals. The local games are organised in 16 regional tournaments by City Councils, Regional Multicultural Councils and Ethnic Community groups.
In addition to the football competition, a youth forum targeting intermediate school students was added to the tournament. The forum brings migrant and former refugee youth together to celebrate their love of football, give them the opportunity to learn new skills and address issues that are important to them.
Multicultural New Zealand and New Zealand Police recognise that it needs to communicate effectively with all communities. The NZCFC is an effective vehicle for integration and to build trust, confidence and create positive influence among ethnic communities and key stakeholders. Many of the talented players who compete come from diverse backgrounds and have a lot to contribute to New Zealand and communities as a whole.
The New Zealand Police recognise that it needs to communicate effectively with all communities. The NZCFC is an effective vehicle for integration, building trust, confidence and creating positive environment among ethnic groups and the wider community. Many of the talented players who compete come from diverse backgrounds and have a lot to contribute to New Zealand.
Date: 26th & 27th November 2016
Time: Kick off from 9.00am both days
Venue: Centre Park, Robertson Road, Mangere, Auckland
For more information visit www.nzcfc.org.nz