Campaign guide for partner organisations
New Zealand ShakeOut, our national earthquake drill and tsunami hīkoi, is taking place at 1.30pm on Thursday 17 October 2019.
ShakeOut drills are held across the world to remind people of the right action to take during an earthquake – Drop, Cover and Hold.
The campaign to encourage people to take part in the drill is co-ordinated by the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management, and shared by Civil Defence Emergency Management Groups, Government agencies and partner organisations across the country.
Over 1.3 million people took part in the 2012 and 2015 New Zealand ShakeOut drills.
Research carried out by GNS Science after the New Zealand ShakeOut drills held in 2012 and 2015 found overwhelming support for holding ShakeOut drills every year. Research also shows that the greater frequency of an annual exercise will improve message retention.
In 2018 we changed our approach and New Zealand ShakeOut become an annual event that is easy to participate in, coordinate and promote.
By focusing our efforts on encouraging all early childhood centres, schools and tertiary organisations to sign up, working closely with the Ministry of Education, we reached over 900,000 signups with significantly reduced effort and cost. This approach also enables us to promote What’s the Plan, Stan? our primary school resource.
New Zealand ShakeOut 2019
This year we are continuing to focus on the education sector, past participants, Government agencies and large organisations.
We will use our existing channels, databases and relationships to encourage all businesses and households to sign up for and share the drill as well.
As well as advertising in teacher focused publications, we are running a small scale national campaign aimed at the public (mainly using online channels and social media).
We will be encouraging everyone in coastal areas to include a tsunami hīkoi as part of their ShakeOut drill.
Schools were advised in April to “Save the Date” for ShakeOut and will be able to sign up from the start of June. We have also contacted everyone who took part in past drills to sign up again at the start of June.
What’s MCDEM doing?
- Working with the Ministry of Education to contact all early childhood centres, schools and tertiary organisations, via letters, newsletters, websites and publications.
- Developing a range of campaign resources, including posters, flyers, factsheets, and sharing these with CDEM Groups and partner agencies so they can use them to promote the campaign too.
- Producing animated videos to promote the drill on digital channels – available from 17 August.
- Contacting everyone who took part in previous New Zealand ShakeOut drills and encouraging them to sign up and take part again.
- Contacting partner agencies and encouraging them to sign up and share our resources.
- Developing a national digital and social media campaign.
- Producing clear instructions on how to hold a drill – what to do before, during and after.
- Encouraging everyone who signs up to take emergency preparedness steps.
- Promoting Drop, Cover and Hold and Long or Strong, Get Gone as the right action to take for earthquake and tsunami.
- Identifying media opportunities to promote the campaign, including a launch event for the Minister, milestone media releases and “drill day” coverage.
- Sharing resources and guides with CDEM Groups and other partner organisations, to enable them to share the campaign.
- Promoting our new website (part of to make finding information and signing up easier.
What CDEM Groups can do?
- Use the resources created for New Zealand ShakeOut 2019 to promote the campaign in their region. We are adding them as they are developed to
- Contact local schools, ECEs and tertiary organisations, businesses, groups and organisations and encourage them to sign up and take part.
- Promote the campaign on digital platforms and social media, in public spaces, in publications, mail outs, etc.
- Look for opportunities to promote regional activity in local media.
- Contact partner agencies – eg Neighbourhood Support, lifelines, and emergency services – and encouraging them to share the campaign.
- Let us know what else you’re doing so we can share with other CDEM groups.
- Sign up and do the drill, encourage Council and partner organisations to sign up too.
- Contact us at if you need different file formats, other resources, or have any questions,
What can partner organisations do?
- Use the resources created for New Zealand ShakeOut 2019 to promote the campaign to staff and stakeholders. We are adding them as they are developed to
- Promote the campaign on digital platforms and social media.
- Share our social media posts from
- Look for opportunities to promote the campaign, in newsletters, public spaces, etc.
- Sign up and do the drill.
- Contact us at if you need different file formats, other resources, or have any questions.