Our President's Report
After a long hard winter we can finally celebrate the arrival of spring with the warm sun and longer days. Our Annual General Meeting took place not long ago in Upper Hutt and it was another great weekend of successful deliberations for the work we all do for a successful multicultural New Zealand. The year has gone by very quickly.As you would have read in the Annual Report and Highlights for 2015, much has been accomplished and thanks to the efforts of all of you hard-working members and our voluntary office staff with the enthusiasm of our Executive Director. There is much more to do with the work in the communities. After a successful launch of the Our Multicultural Future report – a project funded by UNESCO – I am happy that we have the expression of interest for a second round of funding for part two of the project accepted.
The Our Multicultural Future report was launched at the inaugural national hui of all the frontline support staff, who had come from all over New Zealand to share their ideas and experiences.
Many actions have come out of that week and we look forward to growing Multicultural New Zealand in many ways. I am very grateful for all the help and support that I have received during my first year as your President and I look forward to more of the same this year. Keep up the good work!
Alexis LewGor