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NZFMC and RMC’s Race Relations Day Celebration Events 2017 - That's Us, Welcoming Diversity

Events   I   23 Feb 2017

 New Zealand is amongst the most culturally and ethnically diverse nations in the world. Every 21st March, we join the rest of the world in celebrating the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. In New Zealand, communities across the country host hundreds of events on and around the 21st of March to mark Race Relations Day to promote and showcase our culture through dance, music and food. We also use the opportunity to demonstrate successful settlement outcomes for refugees and migrants, inclusion and tackling racism and discrimination.

RMCs have been a major supporter to the HRC through its regional activities in celebrating Race Relations day annually. 

The theme for the Race Relations Day 2017 as advised by the Human Rights Commission is

“That’s Us: What do we stand for? What do we stand against?”
“Koinā tātou: He aha ka tautokona e tātou? He aha ka whakahēngia?”

Below is the Multicultural March 2017 poster that hyperlinks to respective RMCs Facebook page. The poster has been designed to promote and create awareness of the event nationally and to acknowledge the importance of the day.







That’s Us, please come and join us with your family and friends to acknowledge the importance of the day with oneness in our hearts and to celebrate diversity with various international performances, entertainments and food.

Click over the image to know the full details about the events organised nationwide.

For further information please contact us on 04 9169177 or email 

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