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A Successful Youth Leadership Camp in conjunction with E Tu Whanau funded by Pub Charity

Over the course of the four day camp held from 21 to 24 July 2016, we had 18 presenters/speakers representing 14 different organisations both local and national. The youth participated in 27 different activities and learning exercises which they can now facilitate in their communities  - including learning new waiata and understanding powhiri and poroporoaki. Cultural diversity was definitely celebrated with over 30 different cultures represented (includes speakers) and 7 iwi.

The NZFMC Youth Leadership Camp was organised with the aim of bringing together youth representatives from throughout New Zealand. At the camp the young people were equipped with

1. Skills and resources to be change agents in their communities
2.  A strong network of youth ambassadors who will work together to address challenges among their community.

There were Workshops on Human Rights, Te Tiriti O Waitangi and Youth Development, through which the youth gained knowledge about:  

a. Empowering young people as advocates, pursuing equality in NZ.
b. Learning about the founding document of NZ, the special status of Tangata Whenua, and our place in Aotearoa through Te Tiriti.
c. Overcoming adversary and celebrating cultural diversity.

The feedback according to Peter-Clinton Foaese, the Immediate Past President who facilitated the camp is that the weekend was one of the most powerful spaces of change, and the combination of E Tu Whanau, MNZ, Pasfika and Refugee Youth is unique. The intention is to collaborate further with E Tu Whanau for future camps and activities.

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